Four A | Conyers, Georgia

When a developer sets out to do something special in a place hit hard by the housing bust, skepticism is to be expected. And when that place is also grappling with the challenges of shifting demographics, misinformation can quickly spiral out of control.

Clarity — of intentions, of vision, and of plan — is key.

That’s exactly the case in Conyers, Georgia, where a thirty-year landowner is planning a health-centered, mixed-use community on 300+ acres of currently undeveloped land. To head off misunderstandings before they could take root, the company committed to an open and collaborative process and engaged PlaceMakers to assist with outreach, media relations and storytelling.

Working together with Jackie Benson, the project’s marketing consultant, PlaceMakers set the stage for engaging the broader community, established clear and accessible discussion points, developed a visual identity to promote the effort, and worked to ensure both design team members and local media had a firm grasp of the project’s aspirations.

Finally, PlaceMakers joined the 3-day, Sizemore Group-led design workshop, covering the proceedings, addressing inquiries, producing video web segments, and posting everything to the ever-evolving project iCharrette.